Figo Athallah --- Cilandak


  1. Why Use CAT or GREP When you Can AWK?
    A very informative video showcasing simpler alternative commands that AWK is more efficient at.

  2. Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial
    Helpful website that consists of a detailed and concise tutorial of sed. All in one page!

  3. RegExr
    Very useful website for RegEx practice. Comes with a cheatsheet, references, and thorough explanations to help you learn faster.

  4. Learn C
    Website dedicated to displaying a comprehensive tutorial of the C programming language. With over 22 chapters and exercises to read and practice at, it’s almost certain you’ll be an expert by the end!

  5. Why Cyber Security is Hard To Learn (Tips for Success)
    Ricky Tan from Cyberspatial dishes out highly beneficial tips on how to effectively start your cybersecurity journey. Level Up.

  6. Learn C - Sololearn Version
    Sololearn is a helpful coding tutorial website with courses on a varying amount of programming languages. This one concerns the C language. With a neat interface, a linear step-by-step explanation, a comment feature to see progress from other aspiring programmers, the site is perfect for beginners to sharpen their blade at. What are you waiting for? Just sign up and you’re good to go.

  7. The Linux File System… for Humans
    Engineer Man saves you precious time by thoroughly explaining the Linux file system in an easy-to-digest manner. It only takes 12 minutes.

  8. Building a FUSE File System
    Don’t know where to start when tinkering with the FUSE file system? Don’t worry! Cristian Reyes shares his experience on it and directs you to helpful resources to light your “fuse”.

  9. How to manage memory with malloc, calloc, realloc, and free in C
    Engineer Man is back again, thoroughly explaining the functions of everything surrounding memory allocation in a swift yet concise manner. Only 5 minutes!

  10. Pointers in C Programming
    Barbara Thompson from Guru99 hands out beneficial explanations regarding pointers in the C programming language. From their types, their examples, and even their pros & cons, this site is a quick one-stop shop for anyone needing a entry “point” on learning about C pointers and addresses.

  11. Little Endian and Big Endian
    In this article from EmbeTronicX, you’ll understand a lot more about the concept of Little Endian and Big Endian and their implementation in C. You’ll learn how to differentiate them, how to program them, how to determine what endian your system is using, how to convert one endian to another, and which endian is better for your system.

  12. Page Replacement Algorithms
    We all know how reliable GeeksForGeeks is, so it’s no wonder that they made a very simple yet concise article about page replacements and page faults. The FIFO, LRU and optimal algorithm are explained thoroughly here so what are you waiting for? Read it!

  13. Buddy System in Memory Management
    Code with Aditi explains the buddy system memory allocation in just 7 minutes, complete with an example problem. Thanks, Buddy!

  14. How to Use the “top” Command
    I used this HowToGeek article to better understand the functionalities of the “top” command for this week’s Demo. It’s… surprisingly easier than I thought.

  15. Difference Between Parent Process & Child Process
    Geeks for Geeks is always the reliable source to get your know-how on all things computer science, and this article about forking and how to differentiate a parent process with a child process is definitely beneficial.

  16. Process Scheduling Explanation
    Neso Academy is a highly reputable YouTube channel that actually made PSD & POK easier for me. So, this video about process scheduling really helped me out a lot to get a better understanding of this week’s materials.

  17. Semantics of Semaphores
    Youtuber Jacob Sorber gives a comprehensive explanation about the gist of semaphores for shared memory. Complete with examples on C, this 13 minute video will definitely make you understand about semaphore a bit more. (semamore?)

  18. How to Use C Mutex Lock Examples
    This 4-part article by The Geek Stuff essentially breaks down everything you need to know about Linux threads. In part 4, it tackles the usage of Mutex for Thread Synchronization. Complete with examples, this article is a perfect starting point to better understand OS threads.

  19. Pre-Emptive and Non Pre-Emptive Scheduling
    Neso Academy explains the differences between pre-emptive and non-preemptive scheduling in CPU schedulers. Breaking down which process falls under the four circumstances of CPU scheduling, this 18 minute informative video will surely make you understand CPU schedulers a lot more.

  20. CPU Burst
    This website has three tools that you can use to simulate demonstrations of operating systems concepts, such as a CPU burst predictor, a Gantt chart generator that shows how CPU scheduling works with every algorithm, and the Banker’s algorithm.

  21. How to Use systemctl
    Digital Ocean tells you all about the init system known as systemctl and how to master its commands so you can use it to manage systemd services and units. Providing explanations to commands on this week’s Demos, you’ll be sure to learn a thing or two in this site.

  22. Disk Scheduling - Javatpoint
    After comprehensive scouring of CPU scheduling and all it has to offer, we take a look at disk scheduling next to get both sides of the spectrum. This series of articles from Javatpoint thoroughly explain the different kinds of algorithms that disk scheduling has in a brisk yet concise manner.

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